Michael KENNA


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Michael Kenna a publié une somme de travaux considérable depuis les années 80. Dans ses nombreuses monographies, on voit un véritable regard se construire dans l'inlassable quête d'un paysage imaginé. Dans sa photographie, Kenna se rapproche du dessin : il propose une vision mentale, recomposition d'un monde, certes plus rêvé que décrit, mais qui existe par la confrontation aux éléments, à la nature.


Les photographies mystérieuses de Michael Kenna, souvent réalisées à l'aube ou durant les heures sombres de la nuit, se concentrent principalement sur l'interaction entre le paysage naturel et les structures créées par l'homme. Kenna photographie avec une remarquable science de la lumière et du temps.

La lumière est évidemment un facteur décisif : dépendant de la qualité de l'atmosphère (nuages, brume, soleil, neige...), du moment de la prise de vue (aube, nuit, jour), elle est aussi savamment travaillée au laboratoire.

Le temps : nombre de ses photographies sont prises avec des pauses longues qui leur confèrent cet aspect si particulier de temps immobilisé, condensé.


Kenna est particulièrement connu pour l'intimité touchante de ses photographies argentiques traditionnelles, non numériques. Ses techniques de tirage sont très personnelles et méticuleuses, réalisées à la main dans sa propre chambre noire. 


Les photographies de Kenna ont été présentées dans plus de quatre cent cinquante expositions personnelles dans des galeries et des musées du monde entier, et figurent dans plus de cent collections institutionnelles permanentes.









Reflections. KONG Gallery (Seoul/South Korea)
Nude Studies. Blue Lotus Gallery (Hong Kong)
Confessionali. Chiesa di Santa Maria della Vita (Bologna/Italy)
Michael Kenna. Museum Kot-Deungg (Pyeongchang/South Korea)
Snowland. Galerie Camera Obscura (Paris/France)
Il Fiume Po. Palazzo Ducale, Guastalla, Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Michael Kenna, la lumière de l'ombre: photographies des camps nazis. Musée de la Résistance nationale (Champigny-sur-Marn/ France)
Venezia. Columbia Museum of Art (South Carolina/U.S.A)
Northern England 1983-1986
. Bosham Gallery (Bosham/England)


Beyond Architecture - Michael Kenna. Gallery Art Unlimited (Tokyo/Japan)
Michael Kenna. Galerija Fotografija (Ljubljana/Slovenia)
Michael Kenna. Bau-Xi Gallery (Toronto/Canada)
Ocean, Islands and Michael Kenna. Sunset Art Museum (Aphae Island/South Korea)
Buddha - Michael Kenna. Ira Stehman Gallery (Munich/Germany)
Fine Lines - MIchael Kenna. Art of Foto Gallery (Saint Petersburg/Russia)
Il Fiume Po - Michaedl Kenna. Reggia di Colorno (Parma/Italy)
Michael Kenna. Ginza Fugestudo (Tokyo/Japan) 
Japan/Buddha. Gallery Art Unlimited (Tokyo/Japan) 


Kenna by Kenna. Gallery Art Unlimited, Tokyo, Japan.
Michael Kenna. Catherine Edelman Gallery (Chicago/U.S.A)
Rafu. Robert Mann Gallery (New York City/U.S.A)
Rafu and Recent Work. Galerie Box (Bruxelles/Belgium)
Holga and Recent Prints. Dolby Chadwick Gallery (San Francisco/U.S.A)
Rafu and Recent Works. Patricia Conde Gallery (Mexico City/Mexico)
Suiseki Viewing Stones and Hokkaido Landscapes. Portland Japanese Gardens (Portland/U.S.A)
Rafu. Galerie Albrecht (Berlin/Germany)
Korea - Part 1. Gallery K.O.N.G. (Seoul/South Korea)
Rafu. Catherine Couturier Gallery (Houston/U.S.A.)
Rafu. Galleria 13, Reggio Emili (Italy)
45 Year Retrospective. Bosham Gallery (Bosham/England)
New and Rare Works exhibition. Bosham Gallery (Bosham/England.)
Michael Kenna, Weston Gallery (Carmel/U.S.A)
Rafu and Oiseaux. Incisione Galeria (Brescia/Italy)


Snowland. Gallery K.O.N.G. (Seoul/South Korea)
Ink Artistic Conception of Invisible Mountain. Timeless Gallery (Beijing/China)
Michael Kenna. Lorena Callirro Galeria (Monterrey/Mexico)
Michael Kenna. Galerie Camera Obscura (Paris/France)
Oneiros. Galeria Valid Foto (Barcelona/Spain)
Toujours Michael Kenna. Peter Fetterman Gallery (Santa MonicaU.S.A)
Abruzzo and other New Work. G.Gibson Gallery (Seattle/U.S.A)
Philosopher's Tree. Blue Lotus Gallery (Hong Kong)
A 45 Year Odyssey, 1973-2018. Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (Tokyo/Japan)
Holga and Recent Work. Gallery Art Unlimited (Tokyo/Japan)


Photographies Recentes. Galerie Troncin-Denis (Nancy/France)
The Rouge. G. Gibson Gallery, Seattle (Washington/US)
El sentiment del paysage. Claustre de Sant Bonaventura de Llucmajor (Mallorca/Spain)
Michael Kenna. Museo de Artes Visuales, Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Bogot/ Colombia)
Poetry of Landscape. Leonhard's Gallery (Antwer/ Belgium)
Confessionali and Abruzzo. Beetles and Huxley Galler (London/England)
Michael Kenna. Evaristo Valle Museum (Gijón/Spain)
Abruzzo and Confessionali. Albrecht Gallery (Berlin/Germany)
Abruzzo. Palazzo Casamarte, Loreto Aprutino (Abruz/ Italy)
Abruzzo and Confessionali. Weston Gallery (Carmel/USA)
Poetry of Landscape. La Photographie Galerie (Knokke/Belgium)
Imprinted Times: Italy, France and Japan. Art Gallery, Seibu Ikebukuro (Tokyo/Japan).
Forms of Japan. FotoIstanbul. O Art Gallery (Istanbul/Turkey)
The Rouge. Princeton Art Museum, Princeton (New Jerse/ USA.)
Abruzzo. Micamera, Milan, Italy. Abruzzo and Recent Photographs. Gallery Art Unlimited (Tokyo/Japan)
Confessionali. San Spiridione Church, Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Abruzzo. Galleria delle'Incisione (Bresci/Italy)
Ink Artistic Conception of Invisible Mountain. S & S Gallery (Nantong/China)
Michael Kenna. Monogram Asia Space (Jakarta/Indonesia.)
Michael Kenna. A Gallery for Fine Photography (New Orlean/ Louisian/ USA)


A Wonderful World. Catherine Coutier Gallery (Houston/Texas/USA)
Forms of Japan. Seibu Shibuya Gallery (Tokyo/Japan)
Forms of Japan. Gallery Art Unlimited (Tokyo/Japan)
Conversation with the Landscape. Galleria dell'Incisione (Brescia/Italy)
Emilia Romagna. Gallery 13, Reggio Emili (Italy)
The Liquid Gaze. Museu Arxio Municipal (Vilassar de Dalt/Spain)
Mont Saint Michel. Salle des Hotes (Abbaye du Mont Saint Michel/France)
Forms of Japan. Cultuurcentrum Mechelen (Mechelen/Belgium)
New Work. Catherine Edelman Gallery (Chicago/Illinois/USA)
A Retrospective. Photo Eye Gallery (Santa Fe/New Mexico/USA)
Hokkaido. Higashikawa (Hokkaido/Japan)
Forms of Japan. Peter Fetterman Gallery (Santa Monica/California, USA)
Hokkaido. Shin Sapporo Gallery (Sapporo, Hokkaido/Japan.)
Michael Kenna. Robert Mann Gallery (New York/USA)
The Roads. Gallery K.O.N.G. (Seoul/South Korea.)


France. Beetles and Huxley Gallery, London, England.
Two Masters of Landscape Photography. Bae Bien U and Michael Kenna. Gallery K.O.N.G. (Seou/South Korea)
France. Musée des Beaux Arts (Nancy/France)
L'Arbres. Troncin-Denis Gallery (Nancy/France)
Gallery 13, Reggio Emilia, Emila Romagna (Italy)
France. PDNB Galler (Dallas/Texas/USA)
Between Mountains and Lakes. Bernheimer Gallery (Lucerne/Switzerland)
Forms of Japan. Dolby Chadwick Gallery (San Francisco/California/USA)
Silent World. FO.KU.S. Foto Kunst Stadtforum (Innsbruck/Austria)
Forms of Japan. Patricia Conde Galeria (Mexico City/Mexico)
Forms of Japan. Paul Paletti Galler (Louisville/Kentuck/ USA)
Forms of Japan. G. Gibson Gallery (Seattle/Washington/USA)
Forms of Japan. Albrecht Galler (Berlin/Germany)
Forms of Japan. Bernheimer Gallery (Lucerne/Switzerland)
Forms of Japan. Sabrina Raffaghello Galleria d’Arte (Mila/ Italy)
A Journey from the Heart. S & S Gallery (Nantong/China)
Forms of Japan. Galerie Box (Brussels/Belgium)
Michael Kenna - Haiku exhibition, Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art (Gainesville/Florida/USA)


Journey to the East. Gallery K.O.N.G. (Seoul/ South Korea)
Patricia Conde Galeria (Mexico City/Mexico)
A Journey Through Asia. Tasveer Arts (Mumbai/India)
Light on Asia. Bernheimer Gallery (Munich/Germany)
A Journey Through Asia. Tasveer Arts (Kolkata/India)
G. Gibson Gallery (Seattle/Washington/USA)
A Journey Through Asia. National Institute of Design Gallery (Ahmedabad/India)
China. AO Vertical Space (Hong Kong)
Timeless Gallery (Beijing/China)
PH Neutro (Pietrasanta/Tuscany/Italy)
Point Light Galler (Sydney/Australia)
FRANCE. Weston Gallery (Carmel/California/USA)
Stowe School (Buckinghamshire/England)
Lyricism in Monochrome. 8F Art Gallery, Seibu Shibuya (Tokyo/Japan)
Paris. Musée Carnavalet (Paris/France)
Journey Without End. Gallery Art Unlimited (Tokyo/Japan)
Retrospective. Städtische Galerie Iserlohn (Iserlohn/Germany)
Around the World #2. Birgit Filzmaier Gallery (Zurich/Switzerland)
FRANCE. Galerie Camera Obscura (Paris/France)
FRANCE. Charles Hartmann Fine Art (Portland/Oregon/USA)
Oh, The Places You'll Go! Robert Mann Gallery (New York/USA)
FRANCE. Peter Fetterman Gallery (Santa Monica/California/USA )


Memories and Meditations Part II - Tacoma Art Museum (Tacoma/Washington/U.S.A)

Exhibition - Jackson Fine Art, Atlant (Georgia/USA)

Landscape Photography in a Changing World - The Bascom Center for the Visual Arts (Highlands/North Carolina/USA)

Exhibition - Catherine Edelman Gallery, Chicag (Illinoi/ USA)

AIPP Nikon Event, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. www.aipptheevent.com.au

Exhibition - Michael Dunev Art Projects (Torroella de Montgrí/Spain)

Exhibition - Shinan and Recent Work - Galerie Camera Obscura (Paris/France)

Exhibition - The Brindley, Runcorn (Cheshire/England)

Exhibition - The Brindley, Runcorn (Cheshire/England)

Exhibition - Brucie Colections (Kiev/Ukraine )


Tranquil Morning - Galerie KONG (Seoul/South Korea)

Huangshan - Albrecht Gallery (Berlin/Germany)
Hokkaido to Huangshan - M97 Galler (Shanghai/China)

Galeria Galaverni, Reggio Emili (Italy)
Galeria PH Neutr (Veron/ Italy)
In France - BLD Gallery (Tokyo/Japan)

Asia View - 1839 Gallery (Taipei/Taiwan)
Joseph Bellows Gallery, La Jolla (Californi/ USA)

Memories and Meditations - Tacoma Art Museum (Tacoma/Washington/U.S.A)
Chris Beetles Fine Photographs (London/England)
Michael Kenna Landscapes - Molesworth Gallery (Dublin/Ireland)
Loretoview - Palazzo Casamarte, Aprutino, Pescara, Abruzzo (Italy)

A Decade in Review - Ars Libri Gallery (Boston/Massachusetts/USA)
In France - G. Gibson Gallery (Seattle/Washington/USA)

Focus East - Stephen Wirtz Gallery (San Francisco/California/USA)
Decade in Review - Robert Klein Gallery (Boston/Massachusetts/USA)

Asian Landscapes - Galerie Troncin-Denis (Nancy/France)

Hokkaido Lines - Hasselblad Gallery (Tokyo/Japan)

PDNB Gallery (Dallas/Texas/USA)


Gallery K.O.N.G. (Seou/ South Korea)
Weston Gallery, Carme (California/USA)
Galerie Camera Obscura (Paris/France)
Galerie Troncin-Denis (Nancy/France)
Michael Kenna - Retrospective, Moscow Museum of Modern Art (Mosco/ Russia)
Casalgrande Padana, Reggio Emilia (Italy)
Impossible to Forget, Casa Samano Museum (Bogota/Colombia)
Galerie de la Rue Saint-Victoire, La Gacilly (Brittany/France)
Le Souffle des Arts (Bargeme/France)
Venezia, Columbia Museum of Art (South Carolina/USA)
Venezia, Jardin Raymond VI du Musées des Abattoirs (Toulouse/France)

Bernheimer Gallery (Munich/Germany)

Birgit Filzmaier Fine Art (Zurich/Switzerland)
Taiwan Photo Art Fair (Taipei/Taiwan)

Plum Blossoms Gallery (Hong Kong/China)

Rebekah Jacob Gallery (Charlesto/South Carolina/USA)

Elipsis Galler (Istanbul/Turkey)

G. Gibson Gallery (Seattle/Washington/USA)
Timeless Gallery (Beijing/China)


Robert Mann Gallery (New<p> York/USA)
Michael Kenna - Landscapes and Memory, Miyanomori Art Museu (Sappor/ Japon)
G. Gibson Gallery (Seattle/Washington/USA)
Bernheimer Gallery (Munich/Germany)
Catherine Edelman Gallery (Chicago/Illinois/USA)
Michael Kenna - Immagini dei Settimo Giorno, Palazzo Magnani, Reggio Emili (Italie)
Stephen Wirtz Gallery, San Francisco(California/US)
Shanghai International Art Exhibition (Shanghai/Chin)
Craig Krull Galler (Los Angles/California/USA)
BLD Gallery (Tokyo/Japan)
Galerie Wouter van Leeuwen, Amsterdam, Holland.
A Gallery for Fine Photography (New Orlean/Louisiana/USA)
Plum Blossoms Gallery, Central (Hong Kong/China)


Zeit Gallery (Tokyo / Japon)
Michael Kenna - Retrospective, Centro Andaluz de al Fotografia (Almeri / Espagne)
Charles A. Hartman (Portland, OR / U.S.A.)
Michael Kenna - Landscape and Memories, Kushiro Art Museum (Kushiro / Japon)
Box Gallery (Bruxelles / Belgique)
Michael Kenna - Retrospective, Bibliotheque nationale de France (Paris/France)
Camera Obscura (Paris / France)


Japan, New Art Centre, Roche Court (Salisbury / U.K.)
MiCamera Gallery (Milan / Italie)
Catherine Edelman Gallery, (Chicago, IL / U.S.A.)
Stephen Wirtz Gallery ( San Francisco / U.S.A.)
Galerie 127 (Marrakech / Maroc)
Pobeda Gallery (Moscou / Russie)
HackelBury Gallery (Londres / U.K.)
Jackson Fine Art (Atlanta, GA / U.S.A.)
G. Gibson Gallery (Seattle, WA / U.S.A.)
Craig Krull Gallery (Los Angeles, CA / U.S.A.)


Thirty Year Retrospective, Banbury Muscum (Oxfordshire / U.K.)
Impossible to Forget, Cannon Art Gallery (Carlsbad, CA / U.S.A.)
Robert Klein Gallery (Boston, MA / U.S.A.)
Spiritual Places, Galerie Camera Obscura (Paris / France)
Frozen Landscapes, Bernheimer Gallery (Munich / Allemagne)
Mont St. Michel, Charles A. Hartman Fine Art (Portland, OR / U.S.A.)
New York, New Work, Robery Mann Gallery (New York, NY / U.S.A.)
Thirty Year Retrospective, Shanghai Art Museum (Shanghai / Chine)


Japan, Palm Beach Photo Museum (Delray Beach, FL / U.S.A.)
Box Gallery (Bruxelles / Belgique)
Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography (Tokyo / Japon)
Catherine Edelman Gallery (Chicago, IL / U.S.A.)


Impossible to Forget, Michener Museum of Art (Doylestown, PA / U.S.A.)
Whitewall Gallery (Seoul / Corée du Sud)
Hackelbury Fine Art (Londres / U.K.)
Weston Gallery (Carmel, CA / U.S.A.)
Robert Mann Gallery (New York, NY / U.S.A.)
"Impossible to Forget", de Saisset Art Museum (Santa Clara, CA / U.S.A.)
Galerie Camera Obscura (Paris / France)
G. Gibson Gallery (Seattle, WA / U.S.A.)
"Retrospective Two", Scavi Scaligeri Museum (Vérone / Italie)
Jackson Fine Art (Atlanta, GA / U.S.A.)
Craig Krull Gallery (Santa Monica, CA / U.S.A.)2004 Stephen Wirtz Gallery (San Francisco, CA / U.S.A.)
Catherine Edelman Gallery (Chicago, IL / U.S.A.)
Halsted Gallery (Birmingham, MI / U.S.A.)
Robert Klein Gallery (Boston, MA / U.S.A.)
Point Light Gallery (Sydney / Australie)
Joseph Bellows Gallery (La Jolla, CA / U.S.A.)


Robert Mann Gallery (New York, NY / U.S.A.)
John Cleary Gallery (Houston, TX / U.S.A.)
Il Tempo Gallery (Tokyo / Japon)
Michael Kenna - Retrospective, Tokyo Photographic Cultural Center (Tokyo / Japan)
Jackson Fine Art (Atlanta, GA / U.S.A.)
Craig Krull Gallery (Los Angeles, CA / U.S.A.)
Whitewall Gallery (Seoul / Corée du Sud)
Japan, Museum of Glass, International Center for Contemporary Art (Tacoma, WA / U.S.A.)
G Gibson Gallery (Seattle, WA / U.S.A.)
Japan, Musée du Château d’Eau (Toulouse / France)


Stephen Wirtz Gallery (San Francisco, CA / U.S.A.)
Joseph Bellows Gallery (La Jolla, CA / U.S.A.)
Point Light Gallery (Sydney / Australie)
Île de Pâques, Center for Photographic Arts (Carmel, CA / U.S.A.)
Île de Pâques, Cornell Museum (Delray Beach, FL / U.S.A.)
SK Josefsberg Gallery (Portland, OR / U.S.A.)
Gallery lelassi (Ischia / Italie)
Weston Gallery (Carmel, CA / U.S.A.)
Zelda Cheatle Gallery (Londres / U.K.)


Galerie Laurent Herschritt (Paris / France)
Michael Kenna: Photographs, Albright-Knox Art Gallery (Buffalo, NY / U.S.A.)
Anne Reed Gallery (Ketchum, ID / U.S.A.)
Catherine Edelman Gallery (Chicago, IL / U.S.A.)
John Cleary Gallery (Houston, TX / U.S.A.)
Jackson Fine Art (Atlanta, GA / U.S.A.)
Craig Krull Gallery (Santa Monica, CA / U.S.A.)
Halsted Gallery (Birmingham, MI / U.S.A.)









Flesh of stone, éd. Noir

Arbres / Trees, éd. SKIRA Paris


Il Fiume Po, Corsiero Editore

Notre-Dame de Paris, Nazraeli Press

Buddha, Prestel Publishing

Wall Calendar, Nazraeli Press


Des Oiseaux, Editions Xavier Baral

Wall Calendar, Nazraeli Press

Beyond Architecture, Prestel Publishing

Korea - Part 1, Gallery K.O.N.G


Ikigai & other Japanese words to live by, Modern Books

Rafu, Nazraeli Press

Michael Kenna: A 45 Year Odyssey, RAM, Japan

Wall Calendar, Nazraeli Press

DMZ - The 38th Parallel, Nazraeli Press

One Sunday in Beijing, Editions Bessard


HOLGA, Prestel Publishing

Wall Calendar, Nazraeli Press

Abruzzo, Nazraeli Press


Confessionali, Reggio Emilia 2007 - 2016, Corsiero Editore

Wall Calendar, Nazraeli Press

ROUGE, Prestel Publishing

In Hokkaido, RAM, Japan


Wall Calendar, Nazraeli Press

Michael Kenna - France, Beetles and Huxley Gallery

Michael Kenna - Landscapes, Edizioni Galleria 13

Kussharo Lake Tree, Nazraeli Press

Forms of Japan, Prestel Publishing


China by Michael Kenna, Asia One Books and AO Vertical Space

China, Posts and Telecom Press and Timeless Gallery

France, Nazraeli Press

Wall Calendar, Nazraeli Press

Confessionali, Nazraeli Press


Michael Kenna, Catherine Edelman Gallery

Shinan, Nazraeli Press

Wall Calendar, Nazraeli Press

A Journey Through Asia, Tasveer Arts


Michael Kenna, Chris Beetles Fine Photographs

Michael Kenna Wall Calendar, Nazraeli Press

Thomas Jefferson's Paris Walks, Arion Press

Philosopher's Tree, Gallery K.O.N.G, Corée du Sud

Tranquil Mornin , Gallery K.O.N.G., Corée du Sud


Philosopher's tree, Gallery K.O.N.G., Corée du Sud

Huangshan, Nazraeli Press, USA

Immagini del sttimo giorno, Skira, Italie


In Japan, (Édition augmentée) RAM, Japon

Venezia, Nazraeli Press, USA


In Hokkaido, RAM, Japon

Michael Kenna - retrospective, Bibliothèque nationale de France

Love in Black and White, Nazraeli Press, USA


Mont Saint Michel, Nazraeli Press, USA


Hokkaido, Nazraeli Press, USA (version anglaise) & Shuppan Kyodosha, Japon (version japonaise)

In Japan, RAM, Japon


Retrospective Two, Nazraeli Press, USA

Ratcliffe Power Station, Nazraeli Press, USA

Boarding School, Nazraeli Press, USA


En Quete d’Horizon, Musée du Château d’Eau, France

Et la Dentelle?, Editions Marval, France (version française) & Nazraeli Press, USA (version anglaise: Calais Lace).


Japan, Nazraeli Press, USA, (version anglaise) & Editions Treville, Japon (version japonaise)

A Twenty Year Retrospective, Nazraeli Press, USA, (version anglaise) & Editions Treville, Japon (version japonaise)


Easter Island, Nazraeli Press, USA

L’Impossible Oubli, Editions Marval, France (version française) & Nazraeli Press, USA (version anglaise : Impossible to Forget)


Night Work, Nazraeli Press, USA


Le Notre’s Gardens, The Huntington Library, USA (version anglaise) & RAM, Japon (version japonaise)


Monique’s Kindergarten, Nazraeli Press, USA

Le Notre’s Gardens, The Huntington Library, USA (version anglaise) & RAM, Japon (version japonaise)


The Silverado Squatters (by R.L. Stevenson), Arion Press, USA


The Rouge, RAM, USA


Michael Kenna - A Twenty Year Retrospective, Editions Treville, Japon


The Elkhorn, Slough and M oss Landing Fondation Elkhorn Slough, USA


Le Desert de Retz, Arion Press, USA

Michael Kenna, Min Gallery, Japon


The Hound of the Baskervilles (by A.C. Doyle), Northpoint Press, USA


Night Walk, Friends of Photography, USA


Michael Kenna 1977-1987, Min Gallery, Japon


The Hound of the Baskervilles (by A.C. Doyle), Arion Press, USA


Michael Kenna Photographs, Stephen Wirtz Gallery & Weston Gallery, USA









Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
Australian National Gallery, Canberra, New South Wales, Australia.
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France.
Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A.
Center for Creative Photography, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Fine Arts Museums, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Fonds national d’art contemporain, Paris, France.
Fox Talbot Museum, Lacock, Wiltshire, United Kingdom.
Galerie municipale du Château d’Eau, Toulouse, France.
George Eastman House, Rochester, New York, U.S.A.
Kushiro Art Museum, Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan.
High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
JGS Collection, New York, U.S.A.
Kalamazoo Art Institute, Kalamazoo, Michigan, U.S.A.
Longview Museum of Fine Arts, Longview, Texas, U.S.A.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Maison européenne de la photographie, Paris, France.
Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Musée Carnavalet, Paris, France.
Musée national d’Art moderne, Paris, France.
Musée Nicéphore-Niépce, Chalon-sur-Saône, France.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
Nynex Collection, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Oakland Museum, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
Patrimoine photographique, Paris, France.
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Preus Museum, Horten, Norway.
Saint Louis Art Museum, Saint Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China.
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A.
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan.
Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
Umleckoprmyslové museum v Praze, Prague, Czech Republic.
Victoria and Albert Museum, London, England